Hideo Kojima has posted a video that shows the upcoming Death Stranding patch will improve snags that players have encountered many times since the game launched last month.

The patch should be released in the next week or so, and will give protagonist Sam Porter Bridges (Norman Reedus) the ability to remove vehicles abandoned by other players that are blocking package delivery entrances and general passages. Odradek cargo will also become semi-transparent in problematic circumstances.

“A new update on the mid-December patch for DEATH STRANDING!” Kojima wrote on Twitter. “Based on user feedback, the following features are now in testing: cargo transparency when Odradek visibility is obstructed and the ability to dispose of vehicles blocking the way (MULE vehicles cannot be disposed).”

Kojima Productions is also working on a way for players to increase the size of the tiny tiny tiny tiny (tiny) text font, a common complaint amongst fans which Coalition boss Rod Fergusson recently called out as being unacceptable for new games coming on the market.

“There have been a number of games that have come out that have done it wrong, in terms of text being so small that even I can’t read it on a 4K TV of decent size,” he said. “There are people who just don’t understand that a simple thing like allowing people to change the size of a font in a caption can open a game up, and open a world to a different player. And it’s sad that’s still happening today, but at least the conversations are happening.”

Death Stranding is out now for PS4, and will be availble on via Epic and Stream next summer.

Wireframe #28 is out now