A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

What A-Day

Marvel’s Avengers revealed its first trailer at E3, and anyone who was expecting the game to contain the likenesses of Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans had to take a knee, ’cause nooope.

Square Enix’s game, out next May, can be played alone or with up to four in co-op, and finds the Avengers battling through an original story that begins with them opening a headquarters in Frisco.

“The celebration turns deadly when a catastrophic accident results in massive devastation. Blamed for the tragedy, the Avengers disband. Five years later, with all Super Heroes outlawed and the world in peril, the only hope is to reassemble Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.”

Here’s a first trailer…

Mue Noo

Shenmue 3 is going to be exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC, which has upset a lot of people – some are already demanding refunds.

Ys Net has defended the move in a new Kickstarter post:

“Development for Shenmue III has been moving forward using Unreal Engine and the support we have received from Epic has been excellent. But most importantly, in looking for the most enjoyable experience on PC, it was decided together with Deep Silver after much discussion that the Epic Games Store would be the best distribution platform option.”


Ad Infinitum

Microsoft revealed a new look at Halo Infinite during E3. Searching for gameplay ……no gameplay detected.

Some are predicting we’ll be in for “more of the same” with Infinite, but when “more of the same” could be just enough fun to squeak by, is it any wonder?

Infinite will be out for Project Scarlett, Xbox One, and PC next autumn.

Deeply Devolver

Devolver’s E3 showcase was as mad as a box of hair. No more words. Just watch:

2D Or Not 2D

StudioMDHR has been thinking ahead to post-Cuphead game development. Founder brothers Chad and Jared Moldenhauer told Famitsu magazine they’re not planning to stray away from their beloved Cuphead animation style:

“Because we are working now on the ‘Delicious Last Course’ DLC, most of our time is being taken up with that. But at the same time, we are still thinking about what we should do in the future. While that idea is still in the extremely early stages, we are building up the proof of concept and getting things ready. I can’t say anything about the content of the game yet, but given that 2D hand-drawn anime is our company’s focus, you can at least expect our next game to be in that same style.”


Indie pubber Chucklefish has unveiled their new game – a “Dwarf Fortress in space” – entitled Starmancer. In it, you’ll get to make an entire space station your own.

“Paint every wall. Change the tiling in every room. Place furniture, rugs, paintings, posters, windows, and curtains. Design a run-down mining colony, a lively space port, or a fancy resort. Force the low-class colonists to live in the dirty depths of the station, and create a utopia for the high class residents.”

Have a look:

Honestly, this sounded super relaxing until it went full Snowpiercer. We’re probably up for it, though.

Jaws Of Death

Tripwire has given us a new look at their ‘Shark PG’ Maneater, being described as somewhere between Jaws and Grand Theft Auto. You do you, Tripwire.

Chop Chop Everyone

The game that pretty much everyone thought was a joke, Conan Chop Chop, is actually real, and heading to PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch on 3rd September. Time to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women! Well, probably not that last one, tbh, problematic at best.

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