A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

Fall In

Bethesda may not be done revealing new games for the Switch. Vice president of PR and marketing Pete Hines told the Nintendo Power podcast (via Nintendo Life) that the company has a lot cooking for QuakeCon, and that there also may be “some more surprises for Nintendo fans on the way.”

Hmm, what do you reckon they’ve been holding back on?

Saga Continues

Small Saga, a new turn-based mouse-centric RPG from indie dev Jeremy Noghani, needs help on Kickstarter. Noghani has a demo you can play right here to get an idea if you’d like to see more.

Per the official Small Saga description:

“Venture below the streets of London, and you will find the medieval kingdom of rats, mice, moles, squirrels, and shrews known as Rodentia.

If the rodents have a cardinal law, it is this: never attack a god. But Verm never had much respect for the rule of law. His tail was stolen by the Yellow God of Death, and now the mouse will have to fight all manner of beasts and titans on his quest to get it back…”

Under Siege

Playing Rainbow Six Siege as a team is fun with friends, but what if you don’t have any (or frankly can’t stand the ones you do have) and still want to play Rainbow Six Siege? It can be done …but it’s quite the challenge.

A YouTuber by the name of Basically Homeless has posted a video of him all on his lonesome winning matches with five different PCs and separate accounts.

Watch how he did it below, but be prepared for a medium-size Monday headache even imagining copying his strategy…

99 Problems

Going in completely the other direction, YouTuber InfernoPlus has knocked up a 99-player Battle Royale version of Super Mario Bros…

Try it out in-browser right now before Nintendo get wind of the madness at hand. Or should that be “try it out in-Bowser” ha ha ha we’re here all week, folks.

Killing IF

Arc System Works has released two new trailers for its upcoming Kill la Kill fighting game effort that spotlights Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin. Kill la Kill The Game: IF will be out on July 26th for PS4 and Switch, and for PC users the day before.

If you’re a Kill la Kill fan, this is going to be must-play stuff. For everyone else? A migraine and a series of problematic costume-based questions waiting to happen. Enjoy!

Cross Words

It’s been confirmed that there’ll be no cross-play support for Destiny 2 on Stadia – at least for a while.

“Stadia is its own ecosystem, just like current existing platforms. Stadia players will only be able to play with other Stadia players,” says Destiny 2’s ‘fall 2019 FAQ’.

Apparently, Bungie is making cross-save a priority, with cross-play currently on the back-burner. We’ll just have to wait and see what kind of timeframe we’re looking at for cross-play.

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