A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

Ride On Time

You’ll be able to appoint your most favourite ride the honour of being your loyal dog in Cyberpunk 2077. Lead quest designer Pawel Sasko told VG247 that your main vehicle of choice will be equipped with AI.

“If you call it, you can see the car driving towards you. So you can see when it arrives, basically. You can see as your motorcycle arrives, you can see as your car arrives. So you can just leave it wherever you want, it can go somewhere, just call it, and AI makes it like ‘bzzt!’, he drives by and waits for you.”

Come to me, future car. HEEL! Good future car. Who’s a good future car? Woo are, wes woo are.

Props To You

Fortnite’s new game mode Prop Hunt, which currently has no launch date scheduled but was revealed at E3, will allow two teams to face off in a new coin challenge. The mode is fairly straightforward: the A Team (not that one) collect coins, and the B Team try to take out the coin collectors, all transpiring in a newly-designed area. The twist is that the A Team will possess a brand new weapon which allows them to hide from the B Team by assuming the guise of a benign object. The teams then swap round.

It would be a bare-faced lie to suggest that we aren’t going to play Prop Hunt, so we won’t even bother pretending we aren’t.

Keep It To Yourself

Animal Crossing: New Horizons will now arrive in 2020, but when it does, it will not support cloud saving.

New Horizons director Aya Kyogoku and producer Higashi Nogami revealed the news to Gamekult last week.

“New Horizons will not be compatible with cloud backups to avoid manipulating time, which remains one of the founding concepts of the series,” Nogami confirmed.

Numbers Up

Destiny 2 is back up to over a million daily players over Xbox One, PS4, and PC after Bungie’s PR blitz on the popular game’s future, with around 963,000 players in PvE, 472,000 in Crucible, 319,000 in Gambit, and 139,000 in raids, according to Pyro Gaming.

Bit popular, then. Which bodes well, as Bungie has said it has no plans to move on from Destiny 2 just yet.

Bring It On

Square Enix have released a new trailer for the forthcoming Final Fantasy XIV expansion, Shadowbringers.

Starring Spider-Man himself, Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield Tom Holland and comedian Hannibal Buress – who will both reprise their roles in next month’s MCU instalment, Far From Home – this trailer proves that a) Shadowbringers is probably going to rule hard, and b) Square Enix have got quite a lot of money to spend on advertising.

Shadowbringers will be out on 2nd July.

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