A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

Ain’t Afraid

Ghostbusters: The Video Game is getting a remaster through Saber Interactive, the studio behind World War Z. The remake will be along later this year for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (but potentially as an Epic Games store exclusive).

Destiny Arrives

Next Thursday, we’ll get our first taste of what an Activision-less future for Destiny 2 looks like. 6th June will mark a day of Destiny 2 ‘reveals’ from Bungie that will likely focus on Year 3 content.

Supply Run

Death Stranding’s multiplayer experience won’t exactly blow your doors off. The game’s “asynchronous gameplay” is essentially providing a single player experience and you and your friends won’t share a screen at any point. You’ll just be able to help each other out with supplies and safe houses and whatnot. So that’s that.

Modern Life

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will land on 25th October.

“The stakes have never been higher as players take on the role of lethal Tier One operators in a heart-racing saga that will affect the global balance of power. Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® engulfs fans in an incredibly raw, gritty, provocative narrative that brings unrivaled intensity and shines a light on the changing nature of modern war. Developed by the studio that started it all, Infinity Ward delivers an epic reimagining of the iconic Modern Warfare series from the ground up,” promises the bumf.

We also got a neat reveal trailer:

Can I Play With Sadness

Iron Maiden (the band) are suing Ion Maiden (the game)’s developers, 3D Realms. The Duke Nukem 3D-alike Ion Maiden title has nothing to do with the aging rock outfit, but apparently uses a similar font at points which, according to the lawsuit, may confuse fans of the band. Iron Maiden are hoping to score around $2 million in damages! Good luck with that, lads.


Is Baldur’s Gate 3 on the way from Larian Studios? Some people are speculating that the teaser currently floating on the front page of the company’s website suggests that a third entry in the popular RPG series is imminent. Could an official answer be forthcoming at E3 2019? Mmmmaybe.

Issue #14 of Wireframe is on sale now.