A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-sized chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

Sick Wick

The surprise reveal of a John Wick game in development has got the (very) old blood pumping at Wireframe, with an announcement trailer teasing a strategy-based title called John Wick Hex coming out of Bithell Games (Thomas Was Alone, Subsurface Circular).

They had us at ‘John Wick game’ – it could have been a basic point and click and we’d have signed right up. Instead, it’s “fight-choreographed chess brought to life as a videogame.”

“Players must choose every action and attack they make while considering their immediate cost and consequences,” publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment says. “Every move in John Wick Hex feels like a scene from the movies, and every fight contributes to your progress on the job and requires precise strategic thinking.”

Itching for a go on this!

Quaking With Excitement

QuakeCon is coming to the UK for the first time ever between 26th and 27th of July! Register for QuakeCon Europe (natch) here, and you may even get to the front of what we presume will be a staggeringly long queue to play Doom Eternal.


Have you ever been playing Call Of Duty and thought “this is all well and good, but frankly it needs more goats”? You’re in luck, because a new and extremely silly FPS called Goat Of Duty has granted your completely rational and not-at-all-weird wish.

Sign up for the beta right here. Walk, don’t run! Clip clop clop.

Ultra Ultra Uncool News

Ultra Ultra, the developers of 2017’s terrific sci-fi game ECHO, have shut their doors. The sad news was revealed this week in a tweet from the team:

Havana Ooh Na-Na

Overwatch’s latest map, Havana, is now live! Happy days.

Tie-In Lannister

Something Game Of Thrones-themed is coming to XBox. No one has a clue what it is, but let’s watch a wee teaser together while we wait…