A chilly November is coming, whether we like it or not, and it’ll at least bring us a new entry in the Star Wars game franchise on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This will be a long-awaited single-player adventure game which, unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while, you’ll know is called Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends developers Respawn are behind the new title for EA, and in a new interview with Edge magazine (via wfftech), Respawn have been chatting about the things that inspired them while working on Fallen Order.

Lead Combat Designer Jason de Heras has revealed that Fallen Order is very similar to this year’s critically acclaimed FromSoftware actioner, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, in at least one key way.

“I thought it was pretty badass, and a little comforting to know that you could make this type of game without a stamina bar,” he said of Sekiro. “They let you attack, they let you roll, they do all this for free – and then the AI will tell you if you’re doing the correct thing. It just confirmed to us that you don’t have to limit everything the player does; let them have a little more agency, and then let the AI give them a slap on the wrist or a punch in the face. It was a positive thing for us to know there was a game that was similar to ours. Very similar.”

Fallen Order Director Stig Asmussen also added some thoughts about FromSoftware’s badassery. “I’ve been a huge FromSoftware fan since King’s Field. I mean, King’s Field II is one of my favourite games ever. But it’s not about you liking a game, and trying to make that game yourself. It’s more, ‘What can we learn about what’s fun about it?'”

We’ll be able to learn what’s fun about Fallen Order on 15th November.

Wireframe #18 is out now